Basic Principles about review
1. The yearbook publishes scientific materials devoted to issues in the field of economic sciences, reviews of scientific monographs and report on international and national scientific events (hereinafter referred to as materials).
2. Thematic editors check whether the submission of the material for publication meets the formal requirements. An application that does not meet the formal requirements is not recognized, which is informed by the author / authors of the material. An application that meets the formal requirements is subject to a further publishing procedure.
3. Thematic editors propose to send the material for review and the persons of the reviewers.
4. The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision on sending the submitted material for review after checking whether it meets the formal requirements and corresponds to the journal's profile.
5. Articles, opinions, case studies comments are subject to evaluation by at least two independent reviewers. If necessary, the Editor-in-Chief may appoint an additional reviewer or reviewers.
6. The Editor-in-Chief may submit a review of a scientific monograph for review.
7. The process of reviewing the submitted materials is anonymous. The reviewers do not know the identity of the author of the material, and the author - does not know the identity of the reviewers.
8. Reviewers cannot be associated with the same research institution as the author / authors of the material.
9. Reviewers appointed to review the material may not disclose this fact. This obligation is unlimited in time.
10. The review should take into account the type of work (original, experimental, reviewer, case study, methodological, theoretical, practical), its scientific level (value), whether it corresponds to the subject matter proposed in the title, whether it meets the requirements of a scientific publication, does it contain important novelty elements (which ) whether the Author / Authors correctly use / use the legal and legal language, the credibility of the findings and conclusions, the layout of the material, its cognitive value, as well as the conclusion regarding the acceptance of the material without the need to introduce changes, the need to introduce changes or its rejection.
11. The review is prepared on the review form within a period specified by the Editor-in-Chief, not longer than 2 (two) months.
12. Reviews are prepared by regular reviewers and ad hoc selected reviewers. In each case, they are scientists with recognized scientific achievements in the field of the material sent for publication, holding at least a doctoral degree.
13. The list of regular reviewers is available on the Yearbook's website. In each issue of the Yearbook, a list of reviewers of the materials published in a given issue is published.
14. Reviewers submit reviews in two formats: electronic and paper with a handwritten signature. The review is archived for two years from the end of the year in which the material was published.
15. After receiving the review, the Editor-in-Chief informs the Author about their content, including the comments and reservations. The author may refer to the reviews within 14 days from the date of receiving information about their content. The Editor-in-Chief ultimately decides whether the author's comments and objections are taken into account.
16. The Editor-in-Chief ultimately decides about the publication of the submitted material. His decision is not open to challenge. Before taking it, the Editor-in-Chief may request an opinion from the Editorial Board or the Scientific Council. Materials with negative reviews are not published.
17. The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to make changes to the material submitted for printing, in particular: to shorten it, change the title and sub-titles, and correct the style.
18. The submitted material should be accompanied by the full name of the author, address of residence with telephone / fax number, e-mail address, degree or academic title and the name of the research institution in which the author works (affiliation).