Economic Annals of Kujawy and Pomorze University in Bydgoszcz

Editorial requirements

1.The article must contain: 

- author or authors' names,

- job title in Polish and English,

- Keywords,

- key words in English,


- abstract - max. up to 14 lines (must contain the purpose of the work, material and methodology, and more important results)

- the content of the article is divided into unnumbered chapters: introduction (at the end of the introduction, specify the purpose of the work), research material and methodology, research results, summary and conclusions, literature (alphabetically),

- summary in English (summary) - translation of the abstract,

- correspondence address - author's details (academic title, place of work, address, telephone number, e-mail address),

- headings and descriptions of tables and figures - in Polish and English,

- literature, listed alphabetically at the end of the article.

2.  References in the text to literature items should include the name of the author or editor, year of publication given in the list of literature, without a comma and in square brackets, eg [Wiatrak 1990] - without footnotes to the literature item. The alphabetical list of literature must contain: the names of all authors or editors, the first letters of the name, the year of publication in parentheses, the title of the publication, or the title of an article from the journal, place of publication, publisher, and in the case of journals, the number of the journal, pages. Online sources must have the access date in square brackets.


Description of the monograph:

Scholte J.A. (2006), Globalizacja. Krytyczne wprowadzenie. Sosnowiec: WSZiM.

Description of the article in the collective monograph:

Kotlińska J. (2001), Wpływ reformy administracyjnej z roku 1999 na zakres zadań i gospodarkę finansowa organów samorządowych Leszna, [w:] Denek E. (red.), Samodzielność samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce, Poznań: Wyd. AE w Poznaniu.

Journal article description:

Borodo A. (1995), Udział gmin w podatku dochodowym od osób fizycznych. Zagadnienia prawne, „Samorząd Terytorialny”  nr 11.

Description of the Act:

Ustawa z dnia 22 grudnia 1995 r. o zmianie ustawy o finansowaniu gmin, Dz.U. Nr 154, poz. 794.

Website description: [10.01.2017].

3. The article should be prepared using a text editor (Word is recommended). Charts only black and white, editable, preferably prepared in Excel, other attachments (drawings, diagrams, photos, etc.) also black and white, can be made directly in the word.

4. The text should be prepared uniformly (without distinctions, e.g. bold).

5. Select the standard A4 page size, all margins are 2.5 cm.

6. The size of letters in the text - 12 points (Times New Roman), interline space (line spacing) 1.5, titles and subtitles in larger font 13 points, summary and summary in 10 point font, space 1.

7. The ENTER key is only used at the end of a paragraph (all titles, enumeration points, etc. are treated as separate paragraphs).

8. Tables prepared in Word (or Excel) are best placed immediately in the text. They can also be sent in separate files. The files should then be named by assigning the author's name to them.

9. If the text includes the number of a consecutive footnote, it should be presented in the form of a number without additional characters, eg brackets (footnotes are assigned only automatically).

10. Indents are selected only with the tab or other tools of the editor used. Do not use spaces for this purpose. Spaces should only be used to separate words, after a period, comma, exclamation point, colon, semicolon, etc. (never before these characters). Do not use spaces after the opening parenthesis and before the closing parenthesis, as well as before and after the reference.
"Stick / cuddle" brackets and percentages - (see table 5), 100%.

11. An article prepared according to the given scheme (including attachments) should not exceed 15 pages in Word.

12. Please send your texts in electronic form to the publisher's e-mail address: [email protected], with the annotation Economic Annals of Kujawy and Pomorze University in Bydgoszcz.




Jan Kowalski
(12pkt, centered)

(centered, bold, caps, 14 pkt)


Streszczenie: Artykuł dotyczy potrzeby ..... (10pkt, on both sides justified, distance 1)

Słowa kluczowe: racjonalność i niekompletność ..... (10pkt., on both sides justified, distance 1)

jel cODES: q12, .... (10pkt., on both sides justified, distance 1)

1. Wstęp
Wielowymiarowość procesów globalizacji nakazuje jej ocenę. (12pkt., on both sides justified, distance 1,5)

4. Podsumowanie
Współczesna globalizacja zrodzona ze swobodnie... (12pkt., on both sides justified, distance 1,5)

Bibliografia (10pkt, disnance 1,5)
Brown L.R. (2003), Gospodarka ekologiczna. Warszawa:  Książka i Wiedza.
Chinn M, Prasad E. (2000), Medium-term Determinants of Current Accounts in Industrial and Developing Countries, National Bureau of Economic Research, "Working Paper".



centered, bold, cap)


Summary: This paper considers .....(10pkt, on both sides justified, distance 1,5)

Key words: economic, social and environmental conditions,.... (10pkt., on both sides justified, distance 1,5)

Prof. zw. dr hab. Jan Kowalski,
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
Katedra Makroekonomii i Gospodarki Żywnościowej
Al. Niepodległości 10
60-967 Poznań
e-mail: [email protected]

Akademia Kujawsko-Pomorska
ul. Toruńska 55-57, 85-023 Bydgoszcz
  52 321 11 88
  [email protected]