The Annals of Kujawy and Pomorze Uniwersity in Bydgoszcz TRANSDISCIPLINARY STUDIES on CULTURE (and) EDUCATION


 "The Annals of Kujawy and Pomorze Uniwersity in Bydgoszcz. TRANSDISCIPLINARY STUDIES on CULTURE (and) EDUCATION" are indexed in the databases:

  • The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH)



  • ICI Journals Master List.

  • POL-index

  • BazHum 


Editors of the journal "The Annals of Kujawy and Pomorze Uniwersity in Bydgoszcz. TRANSDISCIPLINARY STUDIES on CULTURE (and) EDUCATION" informs that Index Copernicus Experts determined the Index Copernicus Value - ICV for this year for 2020, thus the yearly was once again indexed on the list of scientific journals ICI JOURNALS MASTER LIST 2020.


Akademia Kujawsko-Pomorska
ul. Toruńska 55-57, 85-023 Bydgoszcz
  52 321 11 88
  [email protected]