The Annals of Kujawy and Pomorze Uniwersity in Bydgoszcz TRANSDISCIPLINARY STUDIES on CULTURE (and) EDUCATION

Editorial requirements

  1. The article should contain the name and surname of the author, affiliate unit, e-mail address, ORCID number

  2. The article should contain in Polish and English: title, abstract, keywords.

  3. The article should be divided into numbered chapters and contain: introduction, methodological part, substantive part and conclusions or summary.

  4. Summary in Polish and in English - maximum 14 lines.

  5. References in the text to literature items should be in the form of a footnote and contain the first letter of the author's name and surname, title of the work, publisher, city and year of publication, and pages. In the footnote, 10-point font, Times New Roman, single space, e.g. J.A.Scholte, Globalizacja. Krytyczne wprowadzenie, WSZiM, Sosnowiec 2006, s.184.

  6. If a consecutive footnote number is included in the text, it should be presented as a number without additional characters.

  7. The alphabetical list of references must contain: surnames of all authors, first letters of names, publication title, publisher or journal name, city of publication, volume number, year of page publication, e.g .: Scholte J.A., Globalizacja. Krytyczne wprowadzenie, WSZiM, Sosnowiec 2006.

  8. Please prepare the paper using an editor working in the Windows environment (Word recommended), and the drawings in Excel.

  9. Page format - margins: 2.5 cm. The size of the letters in the text - 12 points. (Times New Roman), line spacing one and a half. Title in Polish: bold + all caps 14 pts. Abstract, keywords, literature, summary, key words and affiliate footer 10 pts.

  10. The ENTER key is only used at the end of a paragraph (all titles, enumeration points, etc. are treated as separate paragraphs).

  11. You select paragraph indents only with the tab stop or other tools in the editor you are using. Do not use spaces for this purpose. Spaces should only be used to separate words, after a period, comma, exclamation point, colon, semicolon, etc. (never before these characters). Do not use spaces after the opening parenthesis and before the closing parenthesis, or before or after the reference.

  12. "Stick / hug" brackets and percentages - (see table 5), 100%

  13. The included figures and tables should be pasted in such a way that they can be formatted. There should be sources underneath the figures and tables.

Layout of the article

Akademia Kujawsko-Pomorska
ul. Toruńska 55-57, 85-023 Bydgoszcz
  52 321 11 88
  [email protected]